The Spirit of Leonard Cohen comes to Caloundra


Celebrate the music and life of Leonard Cohen when Jonathan Anstock and his soulful band perform some of Cohen’s most iconic songs.

Punctuated by Cohen’s poetry and insightful stories, this sublime tribute captures the essence of the late legend’s powerful works.

Bringing to life one of the greatest poet/singer/songwriters, Jonathan Anstock reveals who Suzanne was and what it was like to be a Bird On A Wire, all with a respectful heartfelt nod to the genius, wisdom, humour and humility of Leonard Cohen.

Hallelujah is probably more famous than the singer/songwriter himself, having been recorded by 300 artists.

But what lived in Leonard Cohen’s soul and spirit? His life of poetry, song-writing, spiritual searching, depression, political thought and eventual peace are all exposed in this sublime tribute.

The spirit of Leonard Cohen is truly palpable during this well-crafted biographical cabaret in the intimate Playhouse Theatre at The Events Centre, Caloundra.

VENUE: The Events Centre, CaloundraDATE & TIME: Saturday March 26 at 7pm
TICKETS: $55.00 - $64.00**
BOOKINGS:** Call 07 5491 4240 or visit



Sunshine Coast Council acknowledges the Sunshine Coast Country, home of the Kabi Kabi peoples and the Jinibara peoples, the Traditional Custodians, whose lands and waters we all now share. We wish to pay respect to their Elders – past, present and emerging, and acknowledge the important role First Nations people continue to play within the Sunshine Coast community.

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