Exciting future for unique events you will love

Fans of music, food, fashion, art and culture can look forward to a series of inspirational events that will showcase the Sunshine Coast’s creativity well into the future.


The Kitty Kats, Rangebow Festival

This follows funding from Sunshine Coast Council through its Major Events Sponsorship Program, which now has an “Emerging Events’’ category to promote fresh and exciting new drawcards.

The first events to be funded through this category include the Australian Wearable Art Festival, where high-end fashion and art collide, The Rangebow Festival to celebrate the creative life and spirit of everyone in The Range communities, Sunshine Coast Chamber Music Festival that hosts concerts amid the unique backdrop of our natural wonders and SHOWFEST, celebrating our growing film and TV industry through a series of events.

For dates and bookings on these events, go to:

Sunshine Coast Chamber Music Festival – June 6-9, 2024

SHOWFEST - June 21-22, 2024

The Rangebow Festival – August 1-4, 2024

Australian Wearable Art Festival – August 9-10, 2024

Why we’re growing a range of events

Sunshine Coast Council’s Head of Economic Development Chris Le Serve said the new funding initiative was ultimately required to keep up with the ever-changing events landscape.

“Major events supported through the Major Events Sponsorship Program have traditionally been mass-participation sporting events that provide considerable economic benefit to the Sunshine Coast, drawing large numbers of visitors from outside the region,” Mr Le Serve said.

“The new Emerging Events category has enabled us to diversify our sponsorship portfolio to better support the arts and cultural sector.

“Emerging events have been assessed differently to other major events, with a focus placed on the event’s future growth potential to drive significant economic benefit back to the region.

“We know these types of events have less economic return in their formative years and they need time to grow their reputation and attraction power for visitors.

“We want the Sunshine Coast to be recognised as Australia’s premier regional events destination and we need new event initiatives to ensure we have a diverse range of events on the Sunshine Coast for people to enjoy.”

Where fashion and art collide

One event that has received support is The Australian Wearable Art Festival, which is a unique cultural event that brings together art and fashion. 

It has captured both national and international attention. Over two days, the event has more than 40 artworks, which are paraded along a 27m catwalk.

Wendy Roe, co-director of Australian Wearable Art Festival, applauded Council’s foresight and commitment in supporting locally grown arts events.

“Australian Wearable Art Festival strongly believes that the continued support received from Council has given our event the momentum and credibility we need to secure corporate partners and build a sustainable arts event,” Ms Roe said.

“We are thrilled to receive a sponsorship as an Emerging Event as it not only gives us valuable dollars to assist us in running the event, but we have access to an experienced and well-connected events team within Council.

“Running a successful arts event is hard and people have no idea of the time, expertise and energy it takes to bring such a significant event together.

“This grant gives us the confidence to keep moving forward and encourages us to look at how we can grow and expand our audiences.”


Film and TV in the spotlight

SHOWFEST Co-organiser Jon Coghill said the event was pumped to be the recipient of a grant from Sunshine Coast Council’s Emerging Events sponsorship program. 

"The Sunny Coast Showdown presented by Bendigo Bank Community Bank is a not-for-profit event aiming to boost the film and TV industry on the Coast,” Mr Coghill said.

“SHOWFEST will be an evolution of the Sunny Coast Showdown and will showcase the work of young aspiring TV and film producers.

“This grant makes all of that more possible and makes all the hard work of our small team of volunteers worth it. 

"I believe Council sees that SHOWFEST is about involving as many people in the community as possible and has the potential for bring people into the region to appreciate our blossoming film industry.



Sunshine Coast Council acknowledges the Sunshine Coast Country, home of the Kabi Kabi peoples and the Jinibara peoples, the Traditional Custodians, whose lands and waters we all now share. We wish to pay respect to their Elders – past, present and emerging, and acknowledge the important role First Nations people continue to play within the Sunshine Coast community.

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