Sunshine Coast's first Marine BioBlitz a stunning success
It's a wrap on the Sunshine Coast's first Marine BioBlitz. Here is how it went.

Sunshine Coast Marine BioBlitz – wow!
Thank you to all the incredible volunteers, participants and partners for making this event a huge success!
We were absolutely blown away by the level of involvement and support from each and every one of you. Your dedication, time, and energy truly made the first #SunshineCoastMarineBioBlitz facebook, instagram, LinkedIn unforgettable.

One memorable moment (amongst so many) was the photo identification of ‘HW-MN1100092’ on Happy Whale (Photo identification tool)! This female Humpback Whale was first observed in Hervey Bay in 2004, observed again on the east coast of Australia at Eden, NSW and Hervey Bay in 2010, 2017 and now in 2024 on the Sunshine Coast.
Amazing IDs

‘Spotta-shark’ - photo identification provided by photographer Ste Everington –a new Grey Nurse Shark named ‘Jasper’.

Cuttlefish observed at Mudjimba Island also by Ste Everington.

By the numbers:
- Total BioBlitz participants (Workshops/Dives/Snorkels/Students etc) = 839
- Boat-based with commercial operators = 522
- Land-based workshops, tours and surveys = 277
- School students = 40
- BaseCamp attendance at Mooloolaba = estimated 500 people over two days and one evening.
- iNaturalist observations = 2103
- Species recorded = 593 (note this will change slightly as we refine the observations)
- Observers (recording data) = 113 (local participation)
- Identifiers (identifying species) = 223 (global participation)
- Project members = 144

This level of participation has shown there many many thalassophiles (lovers of the ocean) here on the Sunshine Coast who want to learn about and protect our marine environments.
It is also a testament to how highly we value our magnificent ocean and coastline – and all the marine creatures large and small within the Sunshine Coast UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.

Thank you to our event partners, subject matter experts and sponsors for their assistance in delivering the Marine BioBlitz (in alphabetical order), Ambassador volunteers, Aunty Bridgette Chilli, Beach Matters, Blue Tortuga Adventures, BushCare, Caloundra Cruises, CID Foundation, CoralWatch, Coolum and North Shore Coast Care, CoralWatch, Darren Jew, Deb Mostert, Emily Gregory, Gary Cobb, Humpbacks and Highrises, Karen Anderson, Maroochydore Wetlands Sanctuary, OceanLife Education, Pantree Wholefoods, Project Manta, Project PARGO, Queensland Government, Queensland Museum, Reef Check Australia, Scubaworld, SEA LIFE Trust, Sharks and Rays Australia, Sunreef Mooloolaba, Sunshine Coast Biosphere, Sunshine Coast Environment Council, The Pressure Project, TurtleCare volunteers, UniDive – University of Queensland, Academics from the University of the Sunshine Coast and University of Queensland, Visionary Ocean Warrior, WilderLAB New Zealand.
Proudly supported by Sunshine Coast Council’s Environment Levy and the Queensland Government—Engaging Science Grants.
Incredible underwater images supplied by Ste Everington.