Sprout new skills with high school work experience

Sunshine Coast high school students are digging into exciting career opportunities with a hands-on work experience program with Sunshine Coast Council’s Parks and Gardens Branch.

Young man wearing PPE performing outdoor garden maintenance

This five-day work experience program is open to students in Years 9, 10, 11, and 12 to cultivate practical skills and explore various career paths in the great outdoors.

Sunshine Coast Council Environment and Liveability Portfolio Councillor Tim Burns highlighted the program's unique approach to career exploration.

“This program is a fantastic way for young people to get their hands dirty and discover the diverse career opportunities available within our parks and gardens, and learn about how local governments operate,” Cr Burns said.

“Whether you’re passionate about tree care, horticulture, or even the administrative side of things, there’s something here for everyone.”

What opportunities are available?

Students can gain hands-on experience in several key fields, including:

  • horticulture
  • arboriculture
  • turf and irrigation
  • nursery operations
  • infrastructure maintenance
  • administration
Female high school student working in administration in office building

In addition to technical skills, participants will develop valuable communication and teamwork abilities, gaining a comprehensive understanding of how the Parks and Gardens Branch operates. At the end of the program, students receive a certificate of completion to mark their achievements.

Parks and Gardens Manager Nicholas Coluccio emphasised how the program aimed to build confidence and provide a supportive environment for high school students to make informed decisions about their future careers.

“Our experienced Parks and Gardens team is eager to mentor students and help them grow their career paths,” Mr Coluccio said.

“This is a unique opportunity to see what it takes to maintain our beautiful parks and gardens and to be part of a proud team that makes a real difference within our community.”

Success Stories

Ella worked with the administration team, parks operations team, and street tree planting team throughout the week. She gained experience in Microsoft Office applications and Council software, as well as participating in general administrative support. In the street tree planting team, she shadowed nursery staff, learning about soil management and planting procedures.

Maddison worked with the parks operations team throughout the week, shadowing field staff in hedging, pruning, weeding, planting and watering. This hands-on experience provided valuable insights into the daily operations of the parks team.

Parks workers with high school work experience student outdoors wearing PPE

Join the program

For more information check out the Work Experience video on council’s YouTube site, or visit the careers page on council’s website.

School students can get a taste of a career in parks and gardens



Sunshine Coast Council acknowledges the Sunshine Coast Country, home of the Kabi Kabi peoples and the Jinibara peoples, the Traditional Custodians, whose lands and waters we all now share. We wish to pay respect to their Elders – past, present and emerging, and acknowledge the important role First Nations people continue to play within the Sunshine Coast community.

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