Mosquito monitoring and control program
Sunshine Coast Council has been working hard to combat mosquitoes across the region, particularly with recent rainfall events, combined with warmer temperatures and increased humidity.
Residents can play a vital role in reducing mosquito numbers by minimising breeding areas around their homes.
Tips to protect from mosquitoes:
• Use a recommended personal mosquito repellent. Always read the label and follow safety directions
• Wear long-sleeved shirts and trousers. Light colours are best
• Limit time outside at dusk and dawn
• Remove water sources around the house. Tip out containers, pot plants or items holding water. Small amounts of water can breed large numbers of mosquitoes!
• Spray screens with residual products. Always read the label and follow safety directions
• Increase light and air movement around dark and damp areas
• Outdoor areas around your house can be treated with products containing a residual insecticide for control over longer periods
• Change water in pet bowls and bird baths frequently. Clean your roof gutters on a regular basis
• Ensure your rainwater tank is fitted with mosquito proof screens
• Keep swimming pools clean and chlorinated
• Keep any ornamental ponds and fountains stocked with fish
• See a vet for advice on suitable preventative treatments / repellents if your pets are affected.
Visit council's website for more information.
The Maroochy River catchment has been found to be breeding salt marsh mosquitoes and was treated via helicopter on March 4.