Proposed Sunshine Coast ecological park takes next step

As the proposed Sunshine Coast Ecological Park moves into the next phase of becoming a reality, Sunshine Coast Council is reaching out for community input.


As the proposed Sunshine Coast Ecological Park moves into the next phase of becoming a reality, Sunshine Coast Council is reaching out for community input.

Expressions of Interest are now open for the Sunshine Coast Ecological Park Community Reference Group (CRG), which will be a key engagement platform for the Sunshine Coast community to provide input into the planning and shaping of the proposed ecological park.

There are plans for the park to be located on 65 hectares of council-acquired land, adjoining the Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve, aligning with council’s commitment to nurture and grow our green spaces.

Sunshine Coast Council Environment and Liveability Portfolio Councillor Peter Cox encouraged residents, especially those with a commitment to green spaces and sustainability, to apply.

“The CRG will be an important engagement tool to provide direct feedback, ideas and advice during the planning and design phase of the park,” Cr Cox said.

“It will also assist in the development of the masterplan and business case, which is anticipated to be finalised in early 2023.

“We’re striving to develop a park for the community, shaped by the community.

“The CRG will consist of up to 10 members from across the Sunshine Coast, all coming from diverse backgrounds to ensure all aspects of the region and our community are represented.

“Members of the CRG will bring an appreciation and understanding of the project’s vision and goals, a commitment to sharing and listening to ideas, collaborative approach to engagement and commitment to sustainability.”

Division 5 Councillor Winston Johnston said establishing the park would contribute to the Sunshine Coast’s vision of being Australia's most sustainable region: Healthy. Smart. Creative.

“The park will be part of Mountain View which is one of five major green spaces on the Sunshine Coast,” Cr Johnston said.

“The park will strive to be innovative in its approach, allowing nature to be the hero and the focal point of all plans.

“The park will aim to support nature-based recreation, education, research and social gathering while protecting, celebrating and restoring environmental, natural and cultural heritage values.”

To learn more about being part of the CRG and to express your interest, visit Sunshine Coast Council’s website.

Expressions of Interest close March 21, 2022.

Image: The proposed Sunshine Coast Ecological Park moves into the next phase of becoming a reality.



Sunshine Coast Council acknowledges the Sunshine Coast Country, home of the Kabi Kabi peoples and the Jinibara peoples, the Traditional Custodians, whose lands and waters we all now share. We wish to pay respect to their Elders – past, present and emerging, and acknowledge the important role First Nations people continue to play within the Sunshine Coast community.

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