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Make being prepared your 2022 resolution


Disaster can strike anytime, anywhere and it’s not a matter of if, but when.

We all have a role to play and being prepared is everyone’s responsibility.

There are three simple steps to ensure your household or business is prepared for extreme events.

STEP ONE: Have an emergency plan in place.
STEP TWO: Pack supplies – pack your emergency and evacuation kits.
STEP THREE: Make sure your insurance has adequate coverage and is up to date.

What to include in your EMERGENCY KIT
If you are unable to leave your home for an extended period, your emergency kit will equip your household for up to three days of isolation.
 Fresh water
 Non-perishable food
 First aid kit
 Portable radio and torch with spare batteries
 Sturdy gloves
 Essential medication and prescriptions
 Mobile phone, charger and a power bank
 Important documents in sealed bags
 Cash
 Baby formula and nappies
 Toiletries.

What to include in your EVACUATION KIT
An evacuation kit is for times during an emergency where it becomes unsafe for your household to stay at home and should contain only essential items for each household member that they can easily and quickly ‘grab and go’.
 Blanket
 Sleeping bag
 Pillow
 Warm clothes
 Kid’s toys/entertainment
 Valuables and mementos
 Essential medication and prescriptions
 Mobile phone, charger and a power bank
 Important documents and cash
 Disinfectant wipes
 Baby formula and nappies
 Toiletries including tissues, hand sanitiser and face masks.


Download CoastAlert

With CoastAlert, you can get emergency alerts straight to your phone!

Simply download the SCC App from the AppStore or Google Play to receive free emergency alerts.

Emergency notifications will be automatically sent to smartphones and other mobile devices when the app is installed.

Visit Disaster Hub

Sunshine Coast Council’s Disaster Hub website has all the information you need to be prepared and stay up-to-date with important information when severe weather and
disaster events occur.

This online platform provides comprehensive, centralised and real-time information
for the community, media and external agencies to access before, during and after
disaster events.

It is also used by council’s Disaster Management team and external emergency
agencies to gather critical intelligence to help make decisions during disasters.

Sunshine Coast Council’s disaster preparedness initiatives are supported by Get Ready Queensland.

For life-threatening emergencies call 000.

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Sunshine Coast Council acknowledges the Sunshine Coast Country, home of the Kabi Kabi peoples and the Jinibara peoples, the Traditional Custodians, whose lands and waters we all now share. We wish to pay respect to their Elders – past, present and emerging, and acknowledge the important role First Nations people continue to play within the Sunshine Coast community.

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Our Sunshine Coast is a free community website proudly produced by Sunshine Coast Council.

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