Expression of interest extended to help shape Caloundra's vital transport link

Earlier this month the Caloundra Transport Corridor Upgrade project team provided the community a progress update, including news of a stakeholder interest group (SIG) being formed.
This volunteer group will further enable community involvement with the project and provide an opportunity for questions or issues to be further addressed by the project team. The SIG is another way the project team is working with the community.
To further encourage contributions from a broad cross section of our community and a balance of interests, the SIG submission deadline has been extended by one week – to 9am, 12 September 2022.
More information, including how to apply is available here.
Thank you to the many people who have already registered their expression of interest to participate.
The CTCU is being delivered by Transport and Main Roads and Sunshine Coast Council.
- To learn more about the CTCU project visit Council’s website .
- To receive project updates please sign up here .
Call for community to shape Caloundra connectivity
Community input to shape vital transport link
Congestion busting road upgrade revs up for Caloundra
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