Bins 4 blokes in local loos


Around one in every 10 Australian males live with incontinence and Sunshine Coast Council is doing its part to help them out.

In collaboration with the Continence Foundation, Council has installed 102 male incontinence product disposal bins in public amenities across the region.

Service Excellence Portfolio Councillor Winston Johnston said the initiative was part of the national Bins4Blokes campaign and aimed to provide greater comfort for men and boys living with incontinence.

“For males who live with incontinence, it can be difficult and stressful just to leave their homes and enjoy everyday activities,” Cr Johnston said.

"Division 5 resident, the late Mr Chris Gwynn, initially made myself and Council aware of the urgent need for these facilities in our toilets.

“To ensure that all men can get out and about and enjoy our beautiful region in comfort, Council installed incontinence product disposal bins in all of its public amenities in December 2021. 

“This was part of the Continence Foundation BINS4Blokes campaign, which is an Australia-wide awareness and advocacy campaign promoting the installation of incontinence product disposal bins in male public toilet facilities.

“We acknowledge the work of the Continence Foundation for bringing the BINS4Blokes campaign to our attention so that we can ensure we provide these bins at all public amenity locations across the region.”

To find out which public amenities are serviced by this new initiative, check out The National Public Toilet Map which is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health as part of the National Continence Program and is managed through the Continence Foundation of Australia.

This provides a mapping tool to identify the location of our public amenities, the services available, and times these facilities are open.




Sunshine Coast Council acknowledges the Sunshine Coast Country, home of the Kabi Kabi peoples and the Jinibara peoples, the Traditional Custodians, whose lands and waters we all now share. We wish to pay respect to their Elders – past, present and emerging, and acknowledge the important role First Nations people continue to play within the Sunshine Coast community.

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