Updated flood mapping will build region’s resilience

The Sunshine Coast community now has access to the region’s updated Flood Mapping and Information thanks to new online mapping.
Environment and Liveability Portfolio Councillor Maria Suarez said living with flooding was a natural part of life on the Sunshine Coast and across much of Queensland.
“We can’t prevent floods from happening, but we can take steps to reduce the impact of floods by understanding our flood risk,” Cr Suarez said.
“Having access to up to date flood mapping and information is a key way for us to do that. It enables the community, and industry professionals, to make informed decisions to manage potential risks and build our region’s resilience.
“Council has a range of flood mapping products to inform emergency preparedness and land use planning.
“Over the next few months, we’ll be working closely with our community to ensure the flood mapping and accompanying information is made available in an easy-to-use format. Several maps will be made available to suit a range of uses.
“It’s important to understand what each map is intended for, and what is being presented.
“We want to make sure the people who view and use these maps, can understand and access each product with ease.”
Environment and Liveability Portfolio Councillor Peter Cox said through council’s Environment and Liveability Strategy, we were focused on how our natural and built environments worked together, to provide a good lifestyle for our residents and a sustainable, resilient future for the region.
“The updated flood mapping and information do not create more risk on a property. They simply provide more detailed information so a property owner understands the existing risk,” Cr Cox said.
“Council is also considering introducing a new map specifically for building regulation purposes.
“Our aim is to make sure the community has access to the most up to date information and ensure building and development works consider new data as it becomes available.
“We’re planning for the future by taking action now, to manage the potential impacts of climate change and severe weather events such as increased rainfall intensity and permanent sea level rises.
“This flood mapping is an important piece of the puzzle.
“Council is continuing to work on other major projects that proactively address flooding and stormwater risks, such as Blue Heart Sunshine Coast, our Climate Hazard Adaptation Strategy and the recently adopted Stormwater Management Strategy.”
To find out more, check out the frequently asked questions, fact sheets and how-to videos available online via sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/floodmapping
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Updated flood mapping and information enables the Sunshine Coast community to make informed decisions with the best available, most up to date flood related information.
The updates include:
- updated data in existing maps
- new user-friendly maps and information
- new data made available for the public to inform development applications.
Emergency preparedness
Up to date flood information helps you understand how flooding and overland flow may affect aspects of your everyday life at home, at work, at school or on the road. Understanding and acting on this information helps build strong and resilient communities.
As storm season approaches, it’s a good time to go online and check your property using our Emergency Preparedness Flood Mapping. Think about how your property might be affected by different flood events and any changes you might need to make to prepare for flooding now or in the future to increase your resilience.
Residents are encouraged to look at locations where they live, where they work, or where their friends and family may go to school and look at how flooding affects the routes they often travel. It’s important to have a backup plan or know the alternative routes you could take.
Land use planning
Up to date flood information helps industry professionals delivering and planning development or building works understand how flooding and overland flow may challenge development or building works, and design solutions to avoid or work around these challenges.
If you are making changes to your property, such as major building or renovations, ask your planning professional to check your property using our Land Use Planning Flood Mapping.
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