Slam dunk for Caloundra’s Canavan Gracie Park community


Alley-oops and slam dunks soon won’t be sharing the combined basketball and tennis court at the Bellvista Meeting Place in Caloundra, thanks to strong community support for basketballers to have their own area to play.

Last September, Sunshine Coast Council asked the Bellvista community to share their thoughts on a proposed relocation of the basketball court.

Sunshine Coast Council Division 1 Councillor Rick Baberowski said engaging with the community allowed council to better understand how the park was being used by locals and visitors, and measure demand for the basketball court.

“Due to the popularity at the current facilities, council received several requests to relocate the basketball court to its own area, rather than be combined with the tennis court,” Cr Baberowski said.

“After conducting print and online surveys, the feedback showed the parks are much-loved with 80 per cent of respondents enjoying the park at least once a week, and 65 per cent more than three times per week.

“Almost 90 per cent of respondents supported relocating the basketball court – so on that note, work on the new basketball court at Canavan Gracie Park will start in early May.

“The four-square basketball court, which includes a hopscotch area, has been moved to a new location opposite the AFL field and lends itself to being a space for groups to gather and play different sports without impacting tennis players.

“The overall position will enhance the park area and improve connectivity to the existing facilities like the playground, cricket and AFL fields and amenity to the lake.

“And, in great news for cricketers, the concrete cricket pitch will also be replaced as it’s coming to the end of its usable life.


New location opposite the AFL field for basketball court, which includes a hopscotch area.

“I would like to thank everyone for contributing to this important outdoor recreation space and I’m looking forward to seeing the completed works in the coming month.”

The works also include installing two new park seats for onlookers and connecting pathways linking the existing facilities.

Landscaping, including six trees and a mix of different groundcovers species, will be planted in the garden beds.

Cr Baberowski said creating these spaces encouraged an active lifestyle for our youth and contributed to council’s vision of becoming Australia’s most sustainable region – healthy, smart and creative.

The works are will start next month (May) and are expected to take four weeks to complete, pending weather and site conditions.

For more information about the community engagement process for this project, please visit council’s Have Your Say website and search Canavan Gracie Park Caloundra Basketball court relocation.  


Aerial View of Canavan Gracie Park, Caloundra.



Sunshine Coast Council acknowledges the Sunshine Coast Country, home of the Kabi Kabi peoples and the Jinibara peoples, the Traditional Custodians, whose lands and waters we all now share. We wish to pay respect to their Elders – past, present and emerging, and acknowledge the important role First Nations people continue to play within the Sunshine Coast community.

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