Road to recovery for our hinterland hubs


Fixing landslip-affected roads, beautifying Maleny’s main street and enhancing the region’s important green assets – Mary Cairncross and the Maroochy Regional Bushland Botanic Gardens – are key priorities in Sunshine Coast Council’s 2023-24 Budget.

Projects that strengthen connectivity are featured in funding for Division 5.

This encompasses Bald Knob, Balmoral Ridge, Booroobin, Cambroon, Chevallum, Conondale, Crohamhurst, Curramore, Diamond Valley, Elaman Creek, Eudlo, Flaxton, Glenview Hunchy, Ilkley, Kiel Mountain, Landers Shoot, Maleny, Montville, Mooloolah Valley, Mount Mellum, North Maleny, Palmwoods, Palmview Forest, Peachester, Reesville, Tanawha, West Woombye, Witta, Woombye and Wootha.

Sunshine Coast Council Division 5 Councillor Winston Johnston said Council’s billion-dollar budget included a varied and valuable combination of projects to create a stronger, better and more sustainable Sunshine Coast.

“I’m really looking forward to seeing a range of projects break ground this financial year and the diversified projects I think will excite our community as we turn the lens on small hinterland hubs, rural residents and our many community groups,” Cr Johnston said.

“My key priorities are to keep our division connected on our country roads which is why this budget delivers on gravel road upgrades, lane widening, intersection upgrades and pedestrian improvements to several roads.

“Brandenburg Road in Mooloolah Valley and Bald Knob will receive a $2 million upgrade while almost $1 million dollars will be poured into asphalting Perrins Road in Diamond Valley, along with various upgrades in Eudlo, Hunchy, Maleny, Mooloolah Valley, Palmwoods, Reesville, Tanawha and Woombye.’’

Cr Johnston said the impact of a series of major landslips caused by heavy rain lashing our region between February and May 2022 would be addressed thanks to the Australian and Queensland governments’ Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.

“What this means is, the worst of the landslips at Bald Knob, Wootha, Glenview, Eudlo, Peachester, Montville and Maleny are on the receiving end of funding to rebuild and rectify the damages,’’ he said.

“Our community can continue to discover new and striking scenery at Maroochy Regional Bushland Botanic Garden which will receive a new arrival hub making it a destination to remember.

“There will also be a number of upgrades taking place in the hinterland including track renewals at Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve as well as  works to the Ecological Park and Butterfly Walk to ensure it remains a place well-loved and enjoyed by visitors.

“In other good news, 25 roads in Division 5 are scheduled for resurfacing or reconstruction as part of the 2023-24 road renewals program.

“I’m excited to see $1.5 million injected into enhancing Maleny’s main thoroughfare which aims to improve the experiences of people living, working, and visiting Maple Street.

“Many lookouts, parks and playgrounds across Division 5 will also be renewed, including signage, barbeques, shelters, and playgrounds.”

Council handed down its 2023-24 budget on June 22.

For further information on Sunshine Coast Council’s 2023–24 Budget, including a full list of Division 5 projects, visit

Division 5 2023–24 Budget highlights include:

  • Maleny Library - HVAC System Replacement, Maleny                                                $300,000
  • Palmwoods Aquatic Centre - Equipotential Bonding, Palmwoods                               $250,000
  • Maroochy Regional Bushland Botanic Garden Arrival Hub, Tanawha                         $255,000
  • Mary Cairncross Ecological Park, Maleny                                                                    $254,000
  • Gardners Falls Park Bollard Renewal, Maleny                                                               $70,000
  • Perrins Road Gravel Road Upgrade, Diamond Valley                                                 $910,000
  • Mossy Bank Road Gravel Road Upgrade, Eudlo                                                         $676,000
  • Christensens Road Upgrade – Planning and Design, Hunchy                                     $100,000
  • Maple Street - Maleny Streetscape, Maleny                                                              $1,500,000
  • Obi Lane South On-Road Carparking Construction, Maleny                                       $879,000
  • Brandenburg Road – Landslip Section, Mooloolah Valley                                        $2,071,000
  • Hill Street Churchill Street Intersection Upgrade, Palmwoods                                     $350,000
  • Corner Margaret Street and Little Main Street All Abilities Access Pathway, Palmwoods                                                                                                             $100,000
  • Western Avenue pathway Survey and Design, Montville                                             $60,000
  • Mountainview Road pathway Survey and Design Maleny                                            $60,000

Sunshine Coast Council Budget 2023-24 information

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Sunshine Coast Council acknowledges the Sunshine Coast Country, home of the Kabi Kabi peoples and the Jinibara peoples, the Traditional Custodians, whose lands and waters we all now share. We wish to pay respect to their Elders – past, present and emerging, and acknowledge the important role First Nations people continue to play within the Sunshine Coast community.

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