How local library helped writer achieve her dream

Radio announcer and now author Sheridan Stewart is celebrating the release of her brand-new book I Am Enough and is quick to acknowledge how her local library played a part in her writing journey.
Sheridan regularly visited Coolum Library as a writing haven, with its calm and inviting space and excellent vista of the Jack Morgan Park.
Her debut book, which began as a 90-Day challenge simply to spend less, contemplates what it means to have enough, do enough and ultimately be enough.
Sheridan said the book came from a single page journal entry which she looked at and thought “that’s a book’’.
“The personal stories illustrate the I Am Enough, I Do Enough, I Have Enough – the overdoing, the over wanting and the over working are very relatable,” Sheridan said.
Writers are often digital nomads and libraries worldwide provide safe havens for creative work.
“I found writing at home could be quite distracting and because I had the idea of non-essential spending, I remembered my library,” Sheridan said.
“I’ve always advocated for libraries - as child, as a teenager, the quietness, the alone time, the people mostly.
“We spend money so habitually that we walk straight pass the things that are completely free.
“The library offers free Wi-Fi, air conditioning, printing that’s incredibly affordable and people who can help you with technology when you need it.
“The staff here are fantastic. No one ever makes you feel bad if you ask a question or need help. It’s such a great space and when I walk in my shoulders drop and I say I am here.”
Sheridan’s book is now available on the library catalogue. Reserve your copy of I Am Enough through the Libraries website or the Library App.
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