Hinterland streets ahead after budget windfall


A striking new streetscape, enhanced sports facilities and improved parks, gardens and recreation trails are among the Sunshine Coast Council 2023-24 Budget highlights for Division 1.

This division includes Banya, Baringa, Beerburrum, Beerwah, Bells Creek, Bribie Island North, Caloundra West, Coochin Creek, Corbould Park, Gagalba, Glass House Mountains, Landsborough, Little Mountain, Meridan Plains, Nirimba and Peachester.

Council’s billion-dollar budget handed down today (June 22) includes a diverse and valuable mix of projects to create a stronger, better and more sustainable Sunshine Coast.

Division 1 Councillor Rick Baberowski said the multi-stage Landsborough Streetscape and the Landsborough Museum would progress thanks to funding commitments.  

“Council’s 2023-24 Budget includes a $395,000 investment in the Glasshouse Mountains Regional Trail and a $235,000 allocation to renewals at Landsborough Museum, Cr Baberowski said.  

“There is a $1,085,000 allocation for Stage 2 of the Landsborough Streetscape, which includes a $500,000 grant from the State Government’s South-East Queensland Community Stimulus Program.

“Stage 2 works will include construction of new pathway connections, a new lawn area for community events, multiuse shelters, a fenced playground area and additional shade trees.

“This project is part of the multi-stage Landsborough placemaking master plan which was designed in collaboration with the local community and endorsed by Council in January 2020.’’

“I’m also very pleased to see that landslip works on Old Maleny Road, Landsborough, will begin to be addressed thanks to funding received through the Australian and Queensland governments’ Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements,” Cr Baberowski said.

“This will likely be a multi-year project to complete the works.

“The budget also includes a $395,000 allocation for improvements and upgrades to the popular Glass House Mountains Regional Trail at Beerburrum and $200,000 to finalise the lighting upgrades at the Landsborough Sports Complex.

“In keeping with Council’s strong commitment to our environment and sustainability, this renewal involves energy efficient LED lights and fittings.

“The Landsborough Museum will undergo important renewal works and stage 2 of lane upgrade construction works at Johnston Road, Glass House Mountains will also progress.”

Cr Baberowski said Council’s 2023-24 Budget included significant allocations to improve the exceptional network of family-friendly parks and gardens across Division 1.

“There will be numerous renewals, additions and enhancements undertaken in so many of our favourite parks across Glass House Mountains, Little Mountain, Landsborough, Beerwah and Caloundra West,” Cr Baberowski said.

“One that will particularly please young families is the allocation to fence Mill Park in Beerwah.”

Council will also continue to progress upgrades on roads and pathways with an investment of more than $9.4 million across Division 1 in 2023–24.

For further information on Sunshine Coast Council’s 2023–24 Budget, including a full list of Division 1 projects, visit www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/budget.

Division 1 2023–24 Budget highlights include:

Landsborough Streetscape - Stage 2, Landsborough* $1,085,000
Caloundra Aerodrome 2024 Master Plan, Caloundra West$470,000
Caloundra Aerodrome - Water Reticulation upgrade, Caloundra West $325,000
Landsborough Museum - Identified Risk Renewals, Landsborough   $235,000
Landsborough Sports to finalise LED Lighting Design and Construction,
Beerwah Cemetery entrance feature and carparking$160,000
Howard Walker Park Perimeter Fence Install, Peachester $120,000
Beerwah Master Drainage Plan Stage 2, Beerwah $107,000
Johnston Road Upgrade - Design, Glass House Mountains$100,000
Mill Park Boundary Fence Installation Stage 1, Beerwah$100,000
Emma Place Pathway connection through to Coochin Twins Estate, Beerwah$85,000
Corbould West Environment Reserve Fencing, Meridan Plains          $75,000
Rotary Settlers Park Fence Renewal, Glass House Mountains  $70,000
Beerburrum Streetscape Improvements, Beerburrum         $40,000
Design for Rotary Park Plan and Playground, Caloundra West$10,000

*Proudly funded by the Queensland Government in association with Sunshine Coast Council

Sunshine Coast Council Budget 2023-24 infomation

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