Funding for community groups making a difference

Need support for a community project, event or activity?

Minor Grants. LGBTI Community Ageing Network I'm still standing project acknowledgement.

Funding is now available for community organisations through Sunshine Coast Council’s Community Grants Program.

Community Portfolio Councillor David Law said not-for-profit groups could apply for a Minor Grant to support one-off projects and programs.

“Groups can apply for a Minor Grant of up to $2000 to help fund projects with broad community benefit,” Cr Law said.

“The program aims to acknowledge and strengthen the valuable contribution community groups and their volunteers make towards achieving our shared goal: a strong community.

“Applications are now open and close on May 2.”

One of last year’s minor grants supported hall hire costs, marketing and resource printing for a senior LGBTI community forum at Buderim Memorial Hall. 

The Sunshine Coast LGBTI Community Ageing Network planned the event, which informed, educated and empowered their community on the importance of keeping healthy, maintaining social connection and planning for the senior stage of life.

Sunshine Coast LGBTI Community Ageing Network Co-Chairperson Jennifer Sargent said the group was extremely thankful for the Minor Grant which helped them bring the forum to the community.

“We were able to present practical information and advice to attendees about planning for the future and ageing well with the day hosted by Mardi Gras Miss Fair Day, Vanessa Wagner,” Ms Sargent said.

“I encourage other community groups to apply for funding to help bring your events to life!”

Minor Grant applications can be submitted in one of six categories: 

  • Community Development
  • Community Facilities
  • Creative Development
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Economic Development
  • Sport and Recreation.

Visit for more information and to start an application online.

Key dates:

  • Round opens: March 27, 2023
  • Round closes: May 2, 2023
  • Notification anticipated: Mid-June 2023.

Community groups organising Christmas, New Year, Australia Day, ANZAC Day or Remembrance Day community events can apply online for a Festive and Commemorative Events Grant year-round.

Apply for grants here

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Sunshine Coast Council acknowledges the Sunshine Coast Country, home of the Kabi Kabi peoples and the Jinibara peoples, the Traditional Custodians, whose lands and waters we all now share. We wish to pay respect to their Elders – past, present and emerging, and acknowledge the important role First Nations people continue to play within the Sunshine Coast community.

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