Connect with our First Nations communities
Engaging with our First Nations communities has benefits for everyone. Here are five simple ideas to get you started.

Do you know your neighbourhood’s Traditional Custodians and history? Do you know where you can find local First Nations-led businesses or activities?
There are simple ways everyone can learn from, connect with and help to support our First Nations communities.
- Learn about the Traditional Custodians of the land where we were born and where we live.
- Keep an eye out for local arts and cultural activities to participate in.
- Support arts groups as a participant or as a volunteer.
- Invite a friend to a cultural activity as an opportunity to do and learn new things together.
- Learn about the local history of our neighbourhoods.
These ideas were suggested by community members during development of the newly refreshed Sunshine Coast Community Strategy and Action Plan 2024-2029.
Sunshine Coast Council First Nations team lead Shanaye Baxter said actively involving First Nations people in decisions affecting them was crucial. Council has engaged with the First Nations community in the development of the next Reconciliation Action Plan, planned for launch next year.
“We start by connecting and building that trust with the community and letting them guide us around the kind of support they need,” she said.
Working with and supporting local First Nations communities helps spread cultural awareness, build connection, keep our local economy strong and helps improve outcomes for local First Nations people.
The Community Strategy: together we thrive
The Community Strategy is one of Council’s three regional strategies, alongside the Regional Economic Development Strategy and the Environment and Liveability Strategy.
The Community Strategy outlines how Council and the community will work together to achieve our goal of a strong community to 2041: healthy and active, vibrant, inclusive, connected and resilient, and creative and innovative.
Our next five-year action plan
Council weaves actions supporting First Nations knowledge, environment, community-building and economic development throughout its regional plans.
The Community Strategy Action Plan also identifies Sunshine Coast Council actions, specific to supporting First Nations culture, for 2024-2029 including:
- Implement actions identified in the Reconciliation Action Plan in partnership with Traditional Custodians and First Nations people.
- Collaborate with Kabi Kabi peoples and Jinibara peoples to ensure local First Nations history and ongoing culture is protected, respected and celebrated
- In collaboration with First Nations people, develop and implement a First Nations Arts Strategy to support and expand the First Nations creative arts sector, including youth-focused creative development
- Support the development of local artists and arts content that can be profiled, experienced and exported to build capacity, strengthen engagement and cultivate identity.
What’s happening already?
Just a few of the Council programs that support social and economic opportunities for our region’s First Nations communities include:
- Sunshine Coast Reconciliation Action Plan
- Sunshine Coast First Nations Supplier Day
- Sunshine Coast First Nations Accord
- National Reconciliation Week
- Community grants.
Examples include the Kids In Action program, the Sunshine Coast Biosphere and Traditional Custodian involvement in bushland protection.
Visit the First Nations Partnerships section on Council’s website to find more resources and information about connecting with and supporting our First Nations communities.