Community decides on a site for a new dog off-leash area for Mapleton


In March, we asked the Mapleton Community which of the below three sites were the community’s most preferable dog off-leash area.

  1. Mapleton Lilyponds Park - Fenced area
  2. Mapleton Lilyponds Park - Unfenced, off-leash area at specified times
  3. Mapleton Fire Brigade Park - Fenced area.

The results are in! The community told Council that Mapleton Lilyponds Park - Fenced area, is the favourable option with 92 per cent of residents rating this site as one of their top two preferences.

The Mapleton Fire Brigade Park - Fenced area, was the second preferred option, with 73 per cent of residents rating this as one of their top two preferences.

And Mapleton Lilyponds Park - Unfenced, off-leash area at specified times, came in with 60 per cent of residents rating this as their least favourite option.

Mapleton Lilyponds Park - Fenced area offers the community a good overall layout and central location to town.


Mapleton Lilyponds Park - Fenced area offers the community a good overall layout and central location to town. The park also provides a well-located area away from other park users for locals to exercise their dog.

It's also easily accessible for all our community members, with ramps and rails. It’s also in close proximity to car parking whilst being away from the main road and vehicular traffic.


Favoured concept plan - Mapleton Lilyponds Park, fenced area.

Where to from here? Council will use the community feedback to further refine the site and design concept.

Next steps will include a final design and a proposal to include the construction in the forthcoming budget.

For more information visit:



Sunshine Coast Council acknowledges the Sunshine Coast Country, home of the Kabi Kabi peoples and the Jinibara peoples, the Traditional Custodians, whose lands and waters we all now share. We wish to pay respect to their Elders – past, present and emerging, and acknowledge the important role First Nations people continue to play within the Sunshine Coast community.

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