Backwards Glance – Lorry the Locomotive

It was with much sadness we learned of the passing of Denise Kay. Denise was well known in the Nambour area for her lively adventure series Lorry the Locomotive.
Most children who grew up in Nambour remember the smiling face of the cane tram, Lorry the Locomotive as he made his way through the town hauling cane from local farms to the Moreton Sugar Mill.

Children would sing the Lorry Loco jingle:
There goes Lorry Loco,
Pulling cane bins up the hill.
Lorry, Lorry Loco,
Taking sugar-cane to the mill.
There goes Lorry Loco,
Rattle, Rattle, Clickety Clack.
Lorry, Lorry Loco,
Chuffing to the mill and back.
Toot, Toot, he sings. Toot, Toot, he sings
As he goes along the way
Toot, Toot, he sings. Toot, Toot, he sings
As he carts the cane all day.
Denise Kay was born in Egypt of English parents and educated in England. Her short stories and poetry have won many commendations and awards since her arrival in Australia.
Denise very kindly donated a signed copy of The Adventures of Lorry Loco Book Four to the Heritage Library. The Heritage Library holds the series of four books in their collection.