Local Business Champions 2022 Series: Moffat Beach Brewing Co


Matt and Sharynne Wilson's relocation to Moffat Beach from Sydney in 2012 was spurred by an endeavour to leave the city, live the coast lifestyle and open a beachside café. They did not expect their new adventure would evolve into a brewery with two locations, a slew of awards and become a strong collaborator with industry and community.

Moffat Beach Brewing Co was born in 2015 when Matt and Sharynne installed a tiny brewhouse in their Seaview Terrace café. The couple found initial help through the local Caloundra Chamber of Commerce and the Food & Agribusiness Network. Both organisations provided valuable networks, resources and support that allowed them to tap into the emerging industry of brewers on the coast on the same journey.

We were exposed to other brewers and businesses on the coast that we could share our experiences and resources with when we were establishing. Craft beer on the Sunny Coast was only in its infant stages then so the collaboration and support we showed each other really helped launch the industry here.

MBBC continued to find great opportunities to collaborate with local businesses in fun and creative ways. Matt played with new flavours collaborating with Sunshine Coast coffee roaster Tim Adams to develop a Coffee Stout which was a huge success. Boocock Quality Meats found another use for MBBC’s Dark Ale in a new sausage recipe, quickly becoming one of the butcher’s fastest selling snags.

“Teaming up with other local businesses to create new products has been a great way to cross-promote our businesses and experiment with flavours. We’re always looking for new ways to innovate with our beers."

MBBCs involvement in ‘Battle of the Brews’ has seen Matt share his expertise with home brewers looking to improve their craft. The event hosted by the Sunshine Coast Amateur Brewers Society is held at MBBC’s Caloundra brewery where the home brewers have their beers trialed and tested by Matt who then picks a winner to brew a commercial batch with him through the MBBC system.

“Battle of the Brews is a fun way for the region’s up-and-coming brewers to get together and share their beers with each other and build those networks. I have a lot of fun helping the winning brewers develop their beers for the commercial system because it’s very different to home brewing. It’s a great way for them to understand what’s required if they’re to grow and take their homebrewing to the next level.”

Matt and Sharynne achieved great success at this year’s Australian International Beer Awards, which is the world’s largest beer competition for packaged and draught beer. On top of winning Champion Small Australian Brewery, they took out the most hotly contested categories – the Pale Ale and IPA.

“There were around 60 experts assessing over 2600 beers from around the world so we’re feeling pretty chuffed.”

Learn more about Moffat Beach Brewing.

Check out their listing on Buy Local.

Local Business Champions is a council developed series to inspire confidence and showcase the great businesses within our region. This year, the series showcases businesses that have demonstrated incredible support to local industries through sourcing, partnerships, collaborations, recruitment and more.

Find more 2022 Local Business Champions at https://www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/Business/Business-Programs/Local-business-champions-2022



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